
The Manager's A Choice

“I can prove that I am capable of leadership." - Sen. Manuel Villar

These are the words which the presidential aspirant uttered to demonstrate his conviction on how much he can do for the country when he runs for president on 2010. He points that this could be the right time that the voters should choose someone with "managerial ability" rather than going for someone who is much popular.

Meaning: why don't we put our votes on him?

What a way to campaign for himself.


The fish trader turned businessman turned politician is convinced that several members of the Lakas-Kampi-CMD Party are in full support from saying that they have given him their supports long ago and will still stick with him if the elections will push through.

He, however, did not mention the names of the GMA supporters.


Whatever, the former Senate President is thinking seems to convince him a lot at the moment. But who knows? Maybe he is telling the truth and the only reason why he is withholding the names of these so-called supporters of his from the Administration's side is to protect them from being banished by Mrs. Arroyo if ever she stays in power longer than her term.

"Many of her (GMA) supporters are now with me.” - Sen. Manny Villar

Source: The Manila Times Internet Edition

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