
Mano a Mano

It seems that the "marriage" of Smartmatics and Total Information Management will be short-lived, if not, it would not even materialized.

Comelec Chairman Jose Melo privately met with the two companies yesterday to give the Friday deadline to settle and to sign the contract for the automation of 2010 Elections.

Money, money, money

After the meeting, the Chairman told reporters that the primary reason for the TIM back-out was money but quickly reiterated that it was not lack financial fund. It was the other way around. Aparently, TIM wanted to dictate how the commanding investment of Smartmatics is going to be used.

Slim Chances

Broadcaster Mike Enriquez, in his morning radio show quoted Comelec Chair Melo saying "...very, very, very slim chance of an automated election."

The No-El

Presidentiables however are weary that the inability of the Comission on Election to fully modernized the voting and canvassing process may lead to a "No Election" situation come 2010.

The Option

If a full automation won't be available, then the Comelec may have to opt for a partial automation as suggested by former Chair Christian Monsod.

It would not hurt to try this option as it may lessen the days of canvassing to half if allocated to major provinces or cities.


Automated or manual, if the Comelec fails to guard the votes there would still be a chance that candidates will to find to cheat their way to winning.

"it should not be assumed that just because there is automation, there could be no cheating." - Winnie Monsod

Source: GMANews.TV

Automation No More?

“We may have to go manual.” - Comelec Chair Jose Melo

Due to the lack of documents from the Security & Exchange Commission, the contract signing of the Smartmatic-TIM, the winning bidders for the automation of the 2010 election, which was scheduled this Friday was postponed to Tuesday and was yet again rescheduled to next Friday.

However, Total Information Management (TIM), the local partner of Smarmatic declared its withdrawal from the partnership for the computerization of the upcoming elections next year stating that lack of budget was the reason. A Daily Inquirer source said that the TIM was 300 million short of its budget.

The Comelec on the other hand said that the local counterpart withdrew without giving a justifiable reason and are willing to file charges against the company.

Juan Villa of Smartmatic was in contact with TIM and wer not giving up on the contract from the Commission of Election.


Meanwhile, Commissioner Melo would like to see if the TIM people were contacted by anti-automation groups that may have caused their withdrawal for the election modernization.


The only reason that there may be groups with such a cause is to make sure that the National Election will not be tamper proof, thus, making the process of vote counting vulnerable to those are are willing to lie, cheat and steal their way to whatever government seats. And that includes the Presidential and Congressional seat.

“I told them that the elections must push through. If you withdraw, you are putting your private interest above that of the national interest.” - Com. Jose Melo

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer


All-Out Support

"Our collective mission, as a people, should be to completely remove all vestiges of the Arroyo administration in the coming elections so that our country can finally start its rebuilding process." - Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV

It seems that everybody who are against the Arroyo government are now starting to jump to the bandwagon supporting Randy David, who is seriously considering to run against GMA for the congressional seat of the second district of Pampanga.

Over the weekend, prominent people from both the opposition and militant groups specifically Senator Kiko Pangilinan, Makati mayor and United Opposition president Jejomar Binay and party list representative Satur Ocampo have expressed their support and delight that someone is up to the challenge to make sure that the President's rumored plight to stay in power even beyond her term will not go uncontested.

Even the Inquirer columnist's cabalen in the person of Governor Ed Panlilio, who was also heavily considering the alternative of going up against Mrs. Arroyo was willing to give way and give support to David.

Senator Trillanes, who has always been an anti-Arroyo government declared his all-out support for the UP professor and said that Randy David has done more for the country as a teacher than GMA in her nine years as president.


Silvestre Bello, the Cabinet Secretary was quoted saying that David and Arroyo's would-be clash is like David versus Goliath but was careful to say that David is going to win this one. He was pretty sure that GMA is very popular in her home district.


The statement given by the Cabinet Secretary could mean another thing: that the President is on the go for the seat on the House of Representatives and that no one, not even a college professor may block this plan of hers.

But who knows?

"But that does not mean we are confirming David’s winning over Goliath this time. I'm very confident about it."
- Sec. Silvestre Bello

Source: ABS-CBN News, Yahoo! Philippines News


The Battle of David and Gloriath

"..it would be a shame if no Kapampangan stands up and lets her (GMA) do so unchallenged." - Prof. Randy David

Just before the weekend, Prof. Randy David expressed his plans to challenge President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo if in case she runs for congress during the 2010 National Election. And that is to prevent the Chief Executive from being elected as Prime Minister if ever the administration's allies in the House succeeds in shifting the form of government from presidential to parliamentary.

David, who hails from Betis, a town like Lubao which is situated within the second district of Pampanga is said to have a chance of clinching the vote come May 2010 with the help of a so-called "catholic vote" block with the influence of his brother, who is a bishop in that province.

On the other hand, President Arroyo's chances of winning the congressional seat is thick as she was said to have been frequently visiting her hometown very often and is most likely practicing patronage politics.

People from the Opposition and different militant groups are all backing the UP professor if he finally decides to run against the President. This, however, is criticized by the administration allies saying that if someone wants to run for office, that person should not run for the sake of running, there should be a prepared platform. Pointing that David should run for the sake of serving a constituent and not because he's preventing something from happening.


Despite everything that's happening around the Con-ass, a lot of political moves have also been taking place for both the Opposition and the Administration who is rumored to have planned its every move up to the tiniest details to finalized the shifting of the form of government and extending GMA's reign beyond 2010.


Well, if it's true that the Commander-in-Chief had figured everything out, then everyone from the Opposition, militant groups and those who are against the speculated plan of the current administration might find it difficult to stage a plan of their own or even make a stalemate.

"It's some sort of a chess game. You want to keep them guessing also." - Gov. Ed Panlilio

*Source: The Philippine Star
**Title is derived from an article of The Philippine Star